Fundamental Worker’s Compensation Rights and Mental Health with Attorney Robert L. Noa – Part One

Attorney Robert L. Noa, co-host of “Talking about the Law” led a conversation on Sunday June 2, 2013 on WCRN 830 AM Radio. His discussion focuses on benefit reviews and their basic fundamental rights as well as mental health disability claims.

“Talking about the Law” was created by Attorney Robert Flynn, a Framingham personal injury accident attorney to deepen the public’s understanding of legal issues in their lives.

Attorney Noa’s conversation begins with the question of what a person thinks about when they hear worker’s compensation. Most people think of a physical injury at the workplace. The fundamental rights that everyone has in regard to workplace accidents are that a person has the right to disability compensation, the right to be treated medically for reasonable related medical care, the right to seek or apply for job training or placement services and to be reimbursed for out of pocket costs that are incurred as a result of the accident such as copayments to doctors and travel to physical therapists or doctor visits. It is important to understand these rights. To learn more listen to part one of this show listen to the audio above.

Attorney Robert Flynn represents accident victims in Worcester, Framingham and Boston.